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A premium session includes a luxury bath, blow dry, comb out, and full custom hair cut, nail trim and ear cleaning.
Prices quoted online or via phone are an estimate and may change once your pet is evaluated prior to grooming. Additional fees may be incurred due to: hair length, matting, de-shed, special care, etc.
Standard Groom includes a luxury bath, blow dry, comb out, trim of the feet, face, and sanitary area only.
A nail trim and ear cleaning are also included.
Prices quoted online or via phone are an estimates and may change once your pet is evaluated prior to grooming. Additional fees may be incured due to: hair length, matting, de-shed, special care, etc.
Use this option for all Doodles and Doodle mixes. Due to the special hair pattern of this breed, it may take longer than 2 hours to comb, dry and trim. Depending on the breed mix, the coat may be extra thick and additional time is needed for proper care. Service includes a Premium Groom service, nail trim, and ear cleaning.
Prices quoted online or via phone are an estimates and may change once your pet is evaluated prior to grooming. Additional fees may be incurred due to: matting, de-shed, special care, etc.
We use non-toxic, temporary color to add pizzazz to your pet. Colors typically last 4-6 weeks, depending on how much you wash your pet.
These items will be an additional charge unless they are part of your package:
Nail trim, ear cleaning, teeth cleaning, dremel nail trim, flea and tick soak, anal express, deep condition.
Additional Services
** Nail Trim $10
** Ear Cleaning $10
* Dremel (nail file) $15
* Anal Express $15
* Teeth brush $10
* Flea & Tick Soak $15
* Medicated Ear $10
** Free with all packages
* 1/2 off with any package
Must Call to schedule additional services
DeShed $20 per 30 min
DeMatt $20 per 30 min
Extra Care At groomer's
Surcharge descretion
added to the package
Nail Painting $25
Hair Coloring free consult
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